The Mandalorian is the newest addition to the Star Wars franchise, one that’s constructed a myriad of imagined worlds and characters. Costumes are the traditional way for Star Wars enthusiasts to show that they’re the ultimate fan. The main character of the new show, a Mandalorian, has reached icon status in just two seasons, with many fans already attempting to replicate his look.
To make your own Mandalorian costume, you must construct each individual piece of armor. There are six unique pieces of Mandalorian armor; the helmet, the chest armor, the shoulder armor, the gauntlets (forearm armor), the thigh armor, and the shin armor. There are also a few accessories you can add to take your Mandalorian costume to the next level.
In addition to the Mandalorian costume, there are so many other iconic characters featured in the show that would make for excellent costumes. Keep reading to learn more about Star Wars and The Mandalorian, how to construct a Mandalorian costume, and how to construct costumes for other characters featured on the show.

How to Make a Mandalorian Costume

The Mandalorian‘s protagonist, Din Djarin, is a bounty hunter adopted into Mandalorian culture after being orphaned at a young age. The Mandalorian people are human beings who share a common creed, indicated by their spoken motto, “this is the way,” and belong to a martial caste. Their armor reflects this propensity for combat.
A Mandalorian’s armor, as mentioned in the previous section, consists of 6 unique pieces, ten altogether. There are also plenty of accessories a Mandalorian, particularly Din Djarin, would likely have accompanied their armor. There are essentially seven steps to making a Mandalorian costume.
- The Helmet
- The Chest Armor
- The Shoulder Armor
- The Gauntlets
- The Thigh Armor
- The Shin Armor
- Accessories
Before we get into these seven steps, you must gather the necessary materials to construct the costume before you begin. Here is a list of all of the materials you will need to complete your very own Mandalorian costume.
- Cardboard Sheet (1/16-inch thick, 30″ by 40″ sheet)
- White Glue
- Hot Glue Gun
- Sandpaper (between 80 and 400 grit)
- Silver or Chrome Spray Paint
- Grey Flat Primer
- Polycrylic Sealer
- Balaclava
- Black EVA Foam (5mm thick)
- Black Long-Sleeve Shirt
- Black Pants
- Shotgun Shell Belt Carrier
- Brown Poncho
- Black Leather Gauntlet Gloves
- Elastic Polyester Spool (1 inch wide)
- Brown and Silver Acrylic Paint
- Utility Knife
- Measuring Tape
- Paint Brushes
The cardboard sheet, silver or chrome spray paint, flat grey primer, Polycrylic sealer, and balaclava will make up the Mandalorian helmet. The rest of the materials on this list will make up the body armor of the Mandalorian, including the chest armor, shoulder armor, gauntlet armor, thigh armor, shin armor, and the accessories that go along with the armor.
Now, once you have gathered the necessary materials, you can get started on your Mandalorian costume. Let’s take a closer look at each individual step to making a Mandalorian costume.
The Helmet
There are seven steps required to craft the helmet worn by all Mandalorian warriors. The first of these steps is to gather all the necessary materials. Then, download a Boba Fett or Jango Fett helmet template off of websites such as The Dented Helmet.
Boba Fett and Jango Fett are both popular Star Wars characters that wear Mandalorian armor so that the template will be exactly the same as Din Djarin’s helmet. Once you have done so, begin by forming the base of the helmet.
Create a Form
You can start this process by forming the helmet structure, which will consist of a shell-like plane on its base and four vertical planes that will curve around the shell’s perimeter to form the helmet’s walls. Use the cardboard sheet as the material for the helmet’s structure.
Then, begin forming the inner and outer surface of the helmet. The Boba Fett and Jango Fett templates will feature specific designs for the curvature of these inner and outer surfaces. Cut each piece of the template out using the utility knife and hot glue them into their assigned locations. Using water to dampen the cardboard helps make it easier to mold into place.
Add a Dome
The next step in the process is to construct the dome frame of the helmet. Cut out two cardboard circles, the size of the helmet’s perimeter, and then cut one of these circles in half, forming two semi-circles. The whole circle will serve as the dome’s base. Then, place the two semi-circle pieces perpendicularly so that they intersect at the helmet’s midpoint.
Then, fill in the dome by cutting out triangular cardboard wedges and molding them, using the water trick from earlier, into a dome shape surrounding the two intersecting semi-circles. Start by gluing wedges closest to the two intersecting semi-circles and work your way toward the empty space in the middle.
Smooth and Shape
Now, the basic structure of the helmet is complete. Sand the helmet down until it looks properly shaped and feels very smooth. Then, you may add additional details, like the helmet’s “ears,” by cutting out additional pieces of cardboard and gluing them into place.
Prime and Paint
Finally, coat the helmet in the Polycrylic sealer of your choice, add primer, and then traditionally paint or spray paint your helmet using silver or chrome colors. By the end of this process, your Mandalorian helmet is complete!
The Chest Armor
Now, you can move on to the body armor. Start by gathering the necessary materials and taking measurements of your chest using a measuring tape.
Measure Twice, Cut Once
Measure the top of your chest, then measure the distance between that point on your body’s Y-axis to the point just below your ribs. Then draw these measurements onto your Black EVA 5mm foam.
Cut out the amount of foam necessitated by your chest measurements, and then round off the bottom of your chest piece using the utility knife.
Add Details
You can also add more detail to the chest piece, such as the diamond-shaped indent in the center of the piece or the vertical black line that cuts through the piece.
Then, apply primer to the foam and paint the chest piece to a dark brown, reddish color that should resemble rust.
Hot Glue to Assemble
Mark out on your black long-sleeve shirt where you would like the chest piece to sit, and then hot glue the unpainted side of the chest piece to your black long-sleeve shirt. Apply pressure for 30 seconds and then leave it to dry for 30 minutes to an hour.
Once it has dried, you have completed your chest armor for the Mandalorian costume!
The Shoulder Armor
The shoulder armor is next. Start by measuring halfway around your bicep and then measure from the top of your shoulder to the middle of your bicep.
The length of your bicep (halfway around) will serve as the X-axis, and the length from your shoulder to your bicep will serve as the Y-axis.
Carefully Cut Shoulder Pads
Cut out a piece of Black EVA 5mm foam for each shoulder. Then, cut out a thin strip that is just slightly larger than the perimeter of each shoulder piece and use that as the border for each shoulder piece. Apply it with hot glue and mold it to rise slightly above the shoulder piece.
Give it a “Rusty” Finish
Then, once everything has dried, add primer and paint each shoulder piece the same, rust-like color as the chest piece. Finally, cut strips from the elastic polyester band that is large enough for you to fit your arm through. Attach these strips to the back of each shoulder piece and slide your arm through until the piece reaches your shoulder.
Once you have finished these steps, you have completed your Mandalorian shoulder armor!
The Gauntlets
The gauntlets will go on your forearms. First, measure the length between your wrist and about 2-3 inches away from your elbow (this can vary depending on what feels most comfortable). Then, wrap your measuring tape around the widest section of your forearm and cut out a piece of Black EVA 5mm foam that matches these two measurements.
Then, wrap each piece around each of your forearms. You may want to sand the inside of each gauntlet to allows your arm to travel through it more smoothly. Then, super glue each piece onto itself lengthwise so that they each form a cylinder. Use elastic bands to hold the cylinder shape as they dry, then release the elastic bands after 30 minutes to an hour.
Once you have finished these steps, you have completed your Mandalorian gauntlets! Coming right up, thigh protection.
The Thigh Armor
Now, you can move on to the thigh armor. The thigh armor is the only armor pairing that features different measurements and designs for each thigh.
For the left thigh, cut out a rectangle by measuring from the top of your thigh to the top of your knee and half of the length of the widest point of your thigh.
Then, on the upper right-hand corner, measure 2 centimeters in and cut a diagonal line that extends down to the middle of the rectangle. One the upper right-hand corner, measure 2 centimeters in and cut a diagonal line that extends just 2 centimeters down the rectangle.
Then, cut a vertical indentation into the piece with your utility knife and paint the armor a silver or chrome color that matches the helmet. Finally, glue an elastic band onto the back of the thigh armor with ample room to slide your leg through.
For the right thigh, use the same width measurements but expand the length measurements by a few centimeters (2-3cm). Then, simply cut the corners off the upper right-hand and left-hand corners by cutting 2 centimeters in and 2 centimeters down. Carve a T-shaped indentation into the piece and paint it a similar rust-like color to the rest of the armor pieces.
Then, repeat the elastic band step to complete the right thigh armor piece!
The Shin Armor
Next up is the shin armor, which comes in two separate pieces for each shin. For the top half of the shin piece, measure from the top of your knee to the midpoint of your shin. This piece will cover your knee. Measure the width of the widest part of your shin, then cut out a piece of Black EVA 5mm foam.
Cut this piece to resemble the outer walls of your Mandalorian helmet, then carve a T-shaped indentation into the center of the piece. Then, paint the piece the same rust-like color and hot glue an elastic band on the other side to allow your leg to slide through.
For the second piece of shin armor, simply measure the width of your lower shin and a length of roughly 8 to 9 centimeters. Then, cut out that piece and paint it the same rust-like color as almost all of the other armor pieces that have come before.
Finally, glue an elastic band around this piece as well, and with that done, you have completed all of the armor pieces for your Mandalorian costume!
Last but certainly not least, you can add any additional accessories to make your Mandalorian costume even more authentic looking than it already is.
One common accessory that people implement in their Mandalorian costumes is the utility belt that Din Djarin wears strapped across his torso.
This can be replicated by wrapping a brown leather belt around one shoulder and your waist on the opposite side of your body. Black gloves, fake blasters, and a brown poncho to drape across your back like a cape are all fairly essential inclusions to your Mandalorian costume.
Once you have added any additional accessories, you have officially completed your very own Mandalorian costume!
How to Make Other Costumes Featured on The Mandalorian

The Disney+ show is called The Mandalorian, but there are, of course, other characters in the show. Although a Mandalorian’s armor makes for an exceptionally cool costume, there are plenty of other characters in The Mandalorian who display similarly intriguing character designs.
These characters have also inspired mimicking costumes due to their intricate designs and their admiration within the Star Wars fan base.
For instance, there is Carasynthia Dune, a female shock trooper who fought with the New Republic against the Galactic Empire during the Galactic Civil War.
This character is particularly beloved within the Star Wars fanbase for her steely, unwavering attitude and aptitude for combat. Her armor is also much sleeker than Mandalorian armor, which makes for a more comfortable costume.
There is also Kuiil, a male Ugnaught who became a fan favorite of The Mandalorian season 1 due to his signature catchphrase, “I have spoken.” The character also features a captivating design that makes for an instantly recognizable costume.
Finally, there is the iconic Baby Yoda, also known as “Grogu” or “The Child.” Baby Yoda rivals the Mandalorian Din Djarin himself for the most iconic character on the show. You could make a good argument that Baby Yoda is the most popular character on the show.
Although none of the characters listed so far feature as intricate of costumes as the Mandalorian, there are still multiple steps to properly constructing each costume. Continue reading for detailed guides on making costumes for each of these characters and more that are featured in The Mandalorian.
How to Make a Carasynthia Dune Costume

Before you begin crafting your very own Carasynthia Dune costume, it is crucial that you gather the necessary materials to do so. Here is a list of all of the materials needed to make a simple, authentic-looking Carasynthia Dune costume.
- Women’s Darth Vader Costume
- Black Gloves
- Black Boots
- Black Forearm Bands
- Rebellion Dropper Tattoo Set
- Black Spray Paint
- Teal Fabric Spray Paint
- Metallic Silver Acrylic Paint
You could construct the torso of your Carasynthia Dune costume without repurposing a women’s Darth Vader costume, but this would require more handiwork, more resources, and may not even turn out as authentic looking as the women’s Darth Vader costume will look.
To start, remove the cape, groin, and shin plates from the women’s Darth Vader costume and cut the sleeves at the shoulder. Then, use teal fabric spray paint to color the chest and shoulder plates of the costume. Use black spray paint to correct any mistakes and to add texture to the costume.
Then, spray paint your black forearm bands with the same teal spray paint. Apply the Rebellion Dropper Tattoo Set, which will include blocky stripes on your upper right arm and a tiny Rebel Alliance emblem just under your left eye.
Finally, apply the black gloves, black boots, teal forearm bands, and women’s Darth Vader costumes with the necessary adjustments. To complete the ensemble, Carasynthia Dune has side-parted hair with a tight French braid on the parted side.
How to Make a Kuiil Costume
Before you begin crafting your Kuiil costume, it is crucial that you gather the necessary materials to do so. Here is a list of all the materials needed to make a simple, ingenious Kuiil costume.
- Inflatable Dino Rider T-Rex Costume
- Brown Knit Scarf
- Forest Green Long-Sleeve Fishing Shirt
- Pilot Goggles (or Steampunk Goggles)
- Deadpool Cosplay Belt
- Gray Acrylic Paint
- Brown Acrylic Paint
This costume is particularly ingenious because it incorporates another iconic character into the costume, the Blurrg that Kuiil teaches Din Djarin to ride during the first season. To start out, paint the rider’s legs off the inflatable dino rider T-Rex costume light-brown or tan to match the color of Kuiil’s skin. Then, paint the T-Rex grey to match the Blurrg.
Then, simply flip the Deadpool cosplay belt around so that the Deadpool logo is not showing, and apply the rest of the materials. The pilot goggles should be worn just above the eyes, and the brown knit scarf should be tied in reverse scarf drape. Once you have completed these steps, your Kuiil costume is complete.
How to Make a Baby Yoda Costume
Before you begin crafting your Baby Yoda costume, it is crucial that you gather all the necessary materials for doing so. Here is a list of all the materials you will need to complete a simple and adorable Baby Yoda costume.
- Green Faux Fur
- Tan or White Felt
- Hot Glue Gun
- White Glue
- Scissors
- 1 Yard of Standard Craft Foam
- 1 Sheet of 5mm EVA Foam
- Pink and White Acrylic Paint
- A Headband
- An Electric Razor
- 3 Yards of Brown Fleece
- 1 Yard of Curly White Fur
To begin, cut out the ear shapes on 5mm craft foam and then trace that onto your felt and faux fur. Be sure to reverse the shape for each ear to not end up with two ears pointing in the same direction. Then, sew the felt and the fur together and hot glue the craft foam into the ear to give it structure.
Then, take out your electric razor and shave the faux fur down to about a quarter-inch in length to give it a peach fuzz look. Then, apply pink and white paint to the felt that makes up Baby Yoda’s inner ear to make it look more natural.
Finally, apply the ears to a headband by attaching two pieces of craft foam to either side of the headband and then hot gluing the ears to each side.
To make Baby Yoda’s cozy jacket, you can cut up the 3 yards of brown fleece and sew it together to form a sweater. Then, wrap cut-off pieces of curly white fur around the collar and wrists of the sweater to complete the ensemble. You can also buy a tan fleece jacket online or in a retail store near you if you do not want to go through all the hassle of making it yourself.
Once you have the sweater and the ears, you are done!
How to Make an Ahsoka Tano Costume
Finally, a character that was introduced in live-action form in season 2 that has garnered a lot of interest in the cosplay community is Ahsoka Tano. This character was first introduced in The Clone Wars animated TV series. Still, the character has received newfound hype as her likeness has finally earned a live-action portrayal from Rosario Dawson.
Before you begin crafting your Ahsoka Tano costume, it is crucial that you gather all the necessary materials for doing so. Here is a list of all the materials you will need to complete an authentic, awe-inspiring Ahsoka Tano costume.
- Foam Head
- Stiff Wire
- Heavy Tape
- Bald Cap
- Crayola Model Magic
- Blue Model Paint
- White Gloss Spray Paint
- Silver Paint
- 4 to 6 Toilet Paper Roll
- Silver Beaded Necklace
- Sandpaper
- Brown Skirt
- Brown Tube Top
- Long Brown Fingerless Gloves
- Tan Boots
- White Leggings
- Brown Belt
- Purple Floral Tie
- Tan/Coppery Makeup
- White Makeup
- Dark Red/Brown Lipstick
- Hairnet
This costume is arguably the most meticulous of any Star Wars costume to create from scratch, so it helps to have a lot of free time and resources at your disposal.
First, make sure that the foam head you purchase has a comparable head shape and size to your own. Then, use the stiff wire to create a frame for Ahsoka Tano’s unique hairstyle. You will likely have to use pliers to mold the stiff wire into place. Then, insert the toilet rolls into the wireframe to fill up most of the empty space within.
Use tape to hold the toilet rolls in place, then apply Crayola Model Magic to the wireframe, creating a white plaster around the wireframe. Then, sand down the plaster to the desired shape and smoothness of the hairpiece.
Finish up the hairpiece by painting blue stripes along each side of the hairpiece and a silver crown-like design at the top of the hairpiece, just above the forehead.
Now, you can move on to making the belt. This is a fairly simple part of the costume making process. Simple tie a purple, floral tie around the back of a brown belt. Be sure to wear the belt backward so that the purple tie faces out and the belt buckle is concealed.
Then, put on the white leggings, brown tube top, and brown skirt. You are now ready to move on to the final step, the makeup.
To start, you will need to tie your hair back into a hairnet, which you will then conceal with a bald cap. This might take quite a few hairpins and even some hairspray or gel to keep all your hair down.
Then, apply a copper or tan-colored foundation as a base. Use white makeup to color in the elegant patterns around Ahsoka Tona’s eyes and finish it off with dark red or brown lipstick.
Once you have completed the makeup, your Ahsoka Tona costume is complete! You may add a green lightsaber for additional authenticity.
Final Thoughts
After this article, you should know more about Star Wars and The Mandalorian, the basic steps to constructing a simple Mandalorian costume, and how to construct costumes for some of the other characters featured in the show.
Star Wars is a franchise that thrives off of its inventive worlds and characters, which makes it all the more enjoyable to feel included.